mutual help chat

Today I would like to recall the reason for the creation of the chat, which arose immediately after February 24, 2022. Then the members and volunteers of MALnS, as well as the volunteers of the Alena Kurotova Foundation, threw their forces to help people seeking asylum from the war in Slovakia.
Many of us spent days and weeks on the Slovak-Ukrainian border, helping in the refugee camps to the best of our ability, providing first aid and psychological support. As best we could, we created a registration form where the Slovaks, who were ready to provide housing for refugees, left their coordinates, and we connected those who needed help with those who could provide it. Also, for mutual assistance on any issues, this chat was created.

We all hoped that the situation would soon be resolved and the refugees would be able to return home. However, this did not happen. And now tens of thousands of refugees from Ukraine are building their new lives in Slovakia.

We have new challenges ahead of us. People who, against their will, find themselves in a foreign country and have no idea how much time they will have to spend here, need social integration. Children should go to school, just breathe and take a breath, even if after the end of the war they return home again.

We believe that, first of all, sports and general physical activity, active communication in the community and minimal social amenities can help in integration:
✓ placing the child in school,
✓ an appointment with a doctor,
✓ study of the Slovak language,
✓ employment, etc..

Therefore, we resume active communication in our chat in order to bring to your attention:
➨ sports and other events for children and teenagers (you can find out about them in a separate chat #PohybSpajaDeti >>>). For example, next Sunday there will be a skate event in Rača >>>,
➨ other free information meetings for foreigners in Slovakia, for example, a webinar on how to legally start a business in Slovakia >>>, next Saturday,
➨ information about the possibility of learning the Slovak language, including free of charge. For example, from 1.7.2023 the iCan language school is planning a series of tourist walks, in which it will combine the study of the Slovak language with the opportunity to visit the immediate surroundings of Bratislava,
➨ information support for mothers: how to enroll a child in school, how to find a job, where to play sports.

All integration activities of the International Association of Doctors and Healthcare Workers in Slovakia, as well as the Alena Kurotova Foundation, were made possible thanks to the support of the EU CARE project, organized by a group of charitable foundations led by the Open Society Foundation.

Dream Team Nadácia AK