Aliona Kurotova's Foundation took part in Pohoda Festival 2023
The AK Foundation team took part in a large-scale event - Pohoda Festival 2023, which is known for its diversity and energy. This festival gave us the opportunity to organize a special place for children and make their stay at the festival informative and entertaining for them and comfortable for their parents.
In cooperation with iCanSchool, we created a space for children's education and development. They were engaged in drawing, playing and communicated with each other.

The attraction we offered was a virtual journey through Slovakia, which allowed children, their parents and everyone else to explore the country's sights. The participants visited different regions of Slovakia and learned about its history and culture.
The Pohoda Festival and cooperation with the iCan language school allowed us to strengthen the bond between parents and children. Adults could enjoy music and have fun. And in the breaks, they could play with children and help them develop by exploring new places.

The festival provided an opportunity for everyone to find something to their liking and have a comfortable rest. People of different cultures, nationalities, and generations were able to gather in one place and enjoy spending time together.

The Foundation's participation in the Pohoda Music Festival is a good example of how to build the future of our children through joint efforts.