Trust Women
Trust Women has been operating as an organization since 2018, when, with its first Women in Business event, it began to raise sensitive topics in the context of gender equality. Subsequently, the organization took part in several networking events at the US Embassy, Women in Politics trainings and events with guest of honor Zuzana Chaputova, as well as educational events for the personal development of women, such as "Stage je tvoj". She has also built a close-knit community of women in business who have developed valuable working relationships with each other based on trust and support. During the flood, Trust Women also began working on maternal and parental mental health and parenting as part of the #KidsHereNow campaign.

After the war in Ukraine, they helped Ukrainian communities to integrate into society and contributed to many of the practical steps needed to start life in Slovakia. The public association operates primarily in Bratislava, but has offices in New York, Paris and Budapest.

In order to support the integration of Ukrainian children into the school system of the Slovak Republic and their mandatory school attendance, "Trust Women" decided to provide the necessary information and support to those mothers on whom such a decision depends, and therefore it is an important partner for the Alena Kurotova Foundation.