IV Children and Youth Parliament Congress : impressions
Impressions of the IV Congress of the Parliament of Children and Youth were extremely positive. The event gathered more than a hundred young activists aged 13 to 26 who actively participated in the discussion of important issues concerning their education and social life.
One of the most important moments was the opportunity for Ukrainian children to share their trials and challenges in Slovak educational institutions. This created unique atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding among the participants.

An important aspect of the congress was the opportunity for participants to share their experiences and ideas, as well as to learn about new ways of cooperation and knowledge exchange. The youth not only actively participated in the discussions, but also presented various presentations on Ukrainian culture and traditions, which aroused the interest and delight of all present.
Presentation of the Advisor to the Commissioner (ombudsman) for the protection of children's rights in Slovakia - Alona Kurotova
The young participants showed a high level of communication skills and a deep understanding of current problems of modern society. Slovak authorities and guests from various ministries listened with great attention to the opinions and suggestions of young people, which made the discussion more productive and constructive. This demonstrates the importance and value of each person's voice, regardless of their age or social status.

The IV Congress of the Parliament of Children and Youth was a shining example of how young people can influence the shaping of the future by expressing their ideas and aspirations.